Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Review: Lucas Papaw Ointment

This is a review on the Lucas Papaw Ointment. I have used this ointment religiously for a long time now and therefore believe that i am able to review this product. This review is based on my opinions and my opinions only, therefore your experience with this product may not be the same as mine :)

This product is the Lucas Papaw Ointment and is an ointment made in Australia from pure papaws. This really is an incredible product and I highly recommend everyone to purchase it and try it out. This ointment is a very versatile product and I LOVE IT! ♡ This ointment claims to help with burns, skin irritations, cracked skin, chapped lips, insect bites and more! I use this as a daily moisturiser for the lips and it does an incredible job at keeping your lips moisturised and chapped free. You can use this product for basically anything from dry elbows to even on dry cuticles. I guess this can be a substitution for Vaseline BUT, I personally love papaw ointment more ^.^ The papaw ointment seems to make my lips much more softer than Vaseline does, and I kind of like the smell of the papaw ointment. It’s also very small so it is handy to keep in your handbag for any accidents that may happen. I recommend using this product at night as it is a bit greasy feeling like Vaseline, its also great to put on anywhere right before sleeping as you wake up to chapped free moisturised lips/body part! If you are in Australia this can be easily and readily purchased from Priceline, chemist etc. and this product isn't very expensive at all, $5-6 AUD
I am not sure about elsewhere around the world but I am certain that you can purchase this ointment on sites such as Ebay and Amazon. 

Please let me know your thoughts on this ointment if you have tried it.

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